Hello world! My name is Steve Carroll and one of my passions is discovering the stories hidden behind antiques and vintage collectibles. I love collecting mid-century radios and lamps… I have way more than I could ever use… and stereoview cards, postcards and maps of the Pacific Northwest. Each object has a history; a story behind it waiting to be told. This is my blog to tell those stories.
I am certain that I inherited my love for history and collecting antiques from my dad. He was a big history buff (besides majoring in Museum Curatorship and being the first curator of the General Patton Museum in Chiraco Summit, CA) and could tell the history or provenance of any item in his collection. He did this in a way that was more story-telling than history lesson. I could listen to my dad talk about history for hours on end. And I could tell he enjoyed sharing them with me.
Besides antiques and collectibles, I am also going to write about my outdoor adventures. Some of my outdoor interests include kayaking, hiking, backpacking, camping, caving and just being in the outdoors. I’m looking forward to sharing these fun experiences with you.
What’s with this “Hello World” stuff?
The first thing software programmers (now called developers) typically learn to code in a new language is how to output “Hello world” onto the screen. It’s super easy in pretty much any language so I don’t know why that is the first things they learn. Maybe it’s to build confidence in the new language, but basically in this post I use it as an the analogy that with this new blog I am learning how to communicate my thoughts better. Hence, Hello world!
While I don’t consider myself a programmer or developer, I do work on database-driven web apps as a hobby but for my day job I am employed as a Windows Systems Administrator.